Vegetable Frittata

The easiest way to cook a vegetable frittata in the microwave and only in... 12 minutes!
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12 min

What you need

4 mushrooms
4 asparagus
1⁄2 onion
3 eggs
1 1⁄2 tablespoons of butter
1 tablespoon grated Parmesan cheese
Salt and pepper to taste

Así puedes prepararlo

    1. Cut the mushrooms into slices, the asparagus into small pieces and the onion into julienne strips.
    2. Place the vegetables on the base of the Microwave Spanish Omelette, with butter and salt. Microwave for 4 minutes.

    3. In another bowl, gently mix the eggs and add Parmesan cheese.

    4. Add the egg and cheese mixture in the Microwave Spanish Omelette and mix well. Microwave for 1.3 minutes at 800W.

    5. Flip the product over 180 degrees and microwave for 1.3 minutes at 800W.

      Did you ever imagine such an easy way to cook a Spanish omelette in the microwave ?

      Discover all our Recipes for the Microwave Omelette
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