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Turkey breast with artichokes

1 person
00h 13

Acompaña una sencilla pero deliciosa pechuga de pavo con unas alcachofas.


  • 200 g de patates tallades a rodanxes
  • 180 ml d'aigua
  • 150 g de rap (una cueta) sense espines
  • 1 fulla de llorer
  • 1 cullerada sopera d'oli d'oliva
  • Pepper
  • Julivert picat Per arrebossar:
  • Pebre vermell dolç Farigola Sal Pebre


  1. Clean the artichokes and cut them into quarters. Dice the turkey. Season the artichokes with salt and pepper, put them into the steam case and add the water. Close the case and cook in the microwave for 10 minutes at maximum power (800W). Season the turkey with salt and pepper and add it and the beer to the case. Close the lids and cook for another 3 minutes. Serve and dress with a few drops of Lea and Perrins or Worcestershire sauce.