3 tier Classic Cake

Aprende a preparar una increíble tarta de tres pisos.
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What you need

22 oz (630 g) sugar
18.5 oz (525 g) flour
9 fl oz (260 ml) milk
0.3 oz (8 g) baking powder
7 eggs
7 oz (190 g) shopped walnuts
For the syrup:
9 fl oz (250 ml) water
12 oz (335 g) white chocolate
1.8fl oz (50 ml) Brandy flavouring to taste (lemon, cinnamon, orange, vanilla)For the filling and topping:
12oz (340 g) white chocolate
32 fl (900 ml) cream
For the decoration: 
Silver dragée

Así puedes prepararlo

    1. Cut each cake horizontally in half.

    2. Moisten the first large disc with the syrup with the help of a brush.

    3. Cover it with the white chocolate filling.

    4. Repeat the process with the medium and small cakes and so assemble the three tier cake.

    5. Cover the entire cake with the topping of white chocolate, spreading it with a spatula.

    6. Decorate the cake with the same topping, drawing loops along the edges of the cake.

    7. Finish by placing silver dragées in each loop.

    8. Enjoy it!

    9. Coloca las perlitas plateadas junto a cada rizo.

      ¡Ya puedes disfrutar de tu tarta de tres pisos junto a tus invitados!

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