Monkfish with mashed potato

Prepara un rico plato de rape con patatas de manera fácil y rápida.
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20 min

What you need

200g sliced potatoes 180ml water 150g boneless monkfish (tail) 1 bay leaf 1 tablespoon of olive oil Chopped parsley For the coating: Paprika Thyme Salt Pepper

Así puedes prepararlo

Put the potatoes, water, salt and pepper into the steam case. Close and cook in the microwave for 15 minutes at maximum power (800W). Once cooked, mash the potatoes with a fork. Add the parsley and the oil, mix well and set aside in a bowl. In the same steam case, coat the monkfish tail with paprika, salt, pepper and thyme. Once it is well coated, close the case and cook in the microwave for 5 minutes at maximum power (800W). Cut the monkfish into steaks and serve with the mashed potato.

    1. Corta el rape en rodajas y sírvelo junto al puré de patatas.

      Así se prepara un delicioso rape con patatas.

      Otras recetas deliciosas con pescado

      Papillote de mero con aromas orientales
      Saltimboca de salmón
      Salmón glaseado con espárragos

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