White chocolate molten lava cakes

Aprende a preparar un rico coulant de chocolate blanco.
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What you need

Ingredients: 5,6 oz (160 g) white chocolate 2,80 oz (80 g) butter 4 medium eggs 1/3 cup (80 g) sugar ½ cup (80 g) flour Red berry coulis, to garnish

Así puedes prepararlo

Melt the chocolate and the butter for one minute in the microwave or in a bowl over boiling water, stirring until smooth. Separately, beat the eggs and sugar together with a whisk. Add the chocolate and butter (not too hot) and stir well. Lastly add the sifted flour and stir until it’s thoroughly mixed. Pour the prepared mixture into the moulds until half way and freeze for a minimum of 2 hours. At the moment of serving: pre-heat the oven to 375ºF (190ºC) and consider the recommendations provided. Check with a thermometer that the oven is at the correctly pre-heated and bake the cakes for 12 minutes, depending on the oven this time may vary by a minute either way. Once baked, the chocolate molten lava cake should be left for at least 5 minutes before being taken out from the mould to allow the cake outside to harden and the mould to cool. Once 5 minutes has passed, remove the chocolate lava cake carefully from the mould, place onto a plate and garnish.

  1. Incorpora la harina tamizada y mezcla bien todos los ingredientes de tu coulant de chocolate blanco.

  2. Vierte la mezcla en los Moldes Fondant hasta algo más de la mitad y congélalos durante un mínimo de 2 horas.

  3. Precalienta el horno a 190º y hornea tus coulants durante 12 minutos.

  4. Deja reposar durante 5 minutos fuera del horno, desmolda y sirve acompañados de frutos rojos.

    Y ya puedes disfrutar de tu delicioso coulant de chocolate blanco.

    Otras recetas deliciosas con chocolate

    Chocolate savarín cake
    Coulant de chocolate
    Helado Súper Chocolate

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